Three years ago today, I opened a little space on the internet. It would take me on a wild ride across the country, meeting people who I’ve come to hold very close to my heart, and fighting for visibility in an industry that too often ignored and outright harassed entire swaths of fans and developers alike. We’ve accomplished so much since then. I say we because none of FemHype’s success would have been possible without you, the crew that came together — stayed together — and formed an absolutely incredible community that I’m deeply humbled to have been part of. You taught me so much, and for that, I can’t begin to thank you enough. Each and every one of you is so important to me. Thank you for existing. Thank you for fighting. And thank you for being you.
I know this sounds like a goodbye, and it is — sort of. A while back, I gave myself a deadline. If I couldn’t pay writers for their work, I would close FemHype, which is where we’re at now. It simply wasn’t sustainable, and I feel too strongly about fair compensation to allow this to continue. So after three rewarding years of advocacy, gaming, and friendship, this will be the last post you’ll see in this space. But don’t worry! All past articles will still be available to read and enjoy, and I’ll keep the social media active for as long as there are people following. If you have a project that you need boosted, a thought you want to share, or anything you think the crew might like? Tweet at us! Send us a message on Tumblr!